So today we have a very busy day ahead of us Air Leakage Testing in Norfolk and Suffolk. Today is one of our more local ventures, but none the less, still very busy. When we are out Air Leakage Testing, we try our best to fill our day with as many jobs in the same region as possible, but this is in an ideal world, so sometimes this isn’t possible. But this is never an issue and always do our up most to get all clients booked in and Air Leakage Tested as soon as possible. Like I mentioned earlier, today is a fairly compact location list, meaning we were able to get as many Air Leakage Tests in as possible.

When we are Air Leakage Testing Suffolk, we tend to test a lot of either self build properties, or large developments of houses. There aren’t many jobs which come up local and turn out to be large blocks of flats. Which is one of the many perks of the job. Getting to travel large sections of the country, then approaching a new challenge every day.

Air Tightness Testing Peterborough shows huge potential in the future of property development. In Peterborough, the developments are increasing in build quality every day. Making our job a little but more pleasant. Air Tightness Testing Peterborough is getting better and better results on their Air Leakage Testing results. Meaning our Retrotec Air Tightness Testing equipment calibrated by BSRIA doesn’t have to work quite so hard, and can carry out a single test and get the developments passed.

