Air Leakage Testing

We are a Norfolk based company, providing air leakage testing to all of East Anglia & more. This includes Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Lincolnshire and London.

We offer a fast, professional & reliable service, doing our best to make the process as easy & stress free as possible. All of our clients will receive a booking confirmation email, detailing an accurate time slot for our arrival, along with multiple attachments focusing on how to ultimately pass your air leakage test. Once the test is complete & passed, we will issue your official ATTMA certificate, by email, within 24 hours. This certificate can then passed on to your SAP assessor & Building inspector in aid of your building completion certificate.

Coming from a construction background, we view every job from a builders point of view. Meaning we understand the stress involved in achieving a completion certificate, so we do our best to make the air testing aspect of this as stress free as possible.

FREE Pre-test Checklist

Want to make sure you’re prepared for your air test & give yourself the best chance of passing first time?
Download our Pre-test checklist listing all common areas of leakage.

The Testing Process

  • The overall Air Leakage Testing process is normally completed within an hour and a half of our arrival. On more unique domestic properties or commercial buildings, this may be slightly longer.

  • Before we set up our equipment, we complete a quick visual inspection of the property, looking out for any obvious problematic areas, which will likely need to be rectified to achieve a pass.

  • We then set our equipment up, usually in your front door. Once the equipment is running, we proceed to reduce / drop the pressure in the dwelling 50pa lower than that of the outside world. 50pa is equal to less than 0.01PSI.

  • Once the equipment has reduced the pressure within the dwelling, the handset will provide us with an estimated Air Leakage figure, provided in m3/hr/m2@50pa. From this, we are given a good indication of whether the dwelling is going to pass the test first time, or if additional remedials are going to be required.

  • If no additional remedials are required, we can then proceed with the final testing process & start taking our final figures. If the estimated leakage rate is looking higher than likely required, we then proceed with the leakage identification process.

  • Once the air testing process has been completed, your official ATTMA certified Air leakage Testing certificate will be issued upon our return to the office. This is normally completed & ready for issue on the same day (maximum of 24hrs after testing was completed).

Think You're Ready to Test?

If you’re ready to book your Air Leakage Testing, want to enquire about any of our additional services or have any general queries, just click the button below.
